Behold! This Amazing Rube Goldberg Machine Runs on Painter's Tape and Post-it …
And while it is, by design, a needlessly complex system created for a single purpose, the Brand Machine also serves to illustrate a larger point: That our lives are filled with items, devices, doodads and gizmos which we tend to overlook, or simply …
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Google Nexus 5 (2015) Gorgeous Specs – Will It Have A Top 2015 Camera?
There is a lot of silence surrounding the new Nexus gizmos, however rumors are still spreading like wildfire. If you head on to Google Plus (this is a Google community page), you will see tons of hearsays regarding the teensy tiny version of Nexus 5 …
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Oakwood's field goal: Impact NFL safety
In June, the NFL invited Oakwood to present its technology to Congress as part of a briefing, "Gizmos, Gadgets and America's Game: How Technology Is Advancing Health and Safety in the NFL," sponsored by the Congressional Brain Injury Task Force.
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