Casio fx-115ES PLUS Engineering/Scientific Calculator
- Natural textbook display shows expressions and results exactly as they appear in the textbook
- Over 280 functions, including fractions, statistics, complex number calculations, base arithmetic, linear regression, standard deviation, computer science, and polar-rectangular conversions
- Multi-replay function allows you to backtrack step-by-step through calculations, where you can edit expressions and recalculate answers
CASIO fx-115ES Plus Scientific Calculator

Casio’s most advanced scientific calculator to date, has been designed and engineered for easy operation at any level. The Natural Display and enhanced features like displaying root forms of equations, finding derivatives, product notation templates, and advanced inequality functionality, makes the fx-115ES Plus extremely versatile and the perfect choice for high school and college students alike.
Suggested Courses
The fx-115ES Plus is designed to support all users in the following courses:
- All General Mathematics courses
- Pre-Algebra
- Algebra I & II
- Statistics
- Pre-Calculus
- Trignonmetry
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Engineering
Exam Allowance
The CASIO fx-115ES Plus scientific calculator is permitted for use on the PSAT/NMSQT, SAT and ACT college entrance exams, AP tests, and NCEES exams.
Hardware Features
The fx-115ES Plus is intuitive and easy to use as you progress through your coursework. It has two-way power, “Solar Plus with Battery Back-up”, so you’re always ready!
Large Display
Offers a large, multi-line display that allows for important multi-replay functionality.
Functionality & Key Features
Some of the functionality you will find in the fx-115ES Plus includes:
- Natural textbook display shows expressions and results exactly as they appear in the textbook
- Over 280 functions, including fractions, statistics, complex number calculations, base arithmetic, linear regression, standard deviation, computer science, and polar-rectangular conversions
- List-Based STAT Data Editor
- Table Function
- Matrix and Vector Calculations
- 40 Metric Conversions
- Multi-replay function allows you to backtrack step-by-step through calculations, where you can edit expressions and recalculate answers
List Price: $ 17.99
Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B007W7SGLO”]
[wpramareviews asin=”B007W7SGLO”]
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Best calculator you’ll ever own,
For you calculus students out there that need a scientific calculator for exams: this calculator solves systems of linear equations (with up to 3 variables), quadratics, cubics, linear systems, does matrix inversion, addition/subtraction and multiplication, gives exact answers (sin(pi/4)=sqrt(2)/2), and is just in general a super easy calculator to use. I’ve been pimping Casio out for a while now, but seriously, for $15 this is the BEST investment you can make in your math education.
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Four great little calculators for under $20! The Author (TA) owns 3 of the 4 (he borrowed the 4th calculator to write this review), therefore he does not have to make the difficult decision of which one to buy. Prices from Amazon October 2013.
Your comments, corrections, questions, omissions are encouraged, even welcomed. Thanks.
CASIO FX-115ES PLUS 16.24 (C)
CANON F-792SGA 15.14 (N)
SHARP EL-W516B (EL-W516X 17.30) (S)
TI-36X PRO 19.97 (T)
C,N exact radical form
S can only be stored in M, division can not be entered as fraction
T does not require COMPLEX mode, must scroll to see all digits
C,N,S quadratic regression calculates both x1′ and x2′
N calculates mode and range
S does not calculate min Q1 med Q3 max, easy to RCL vars and to calc x’ & y’
T cubic regression, 2-Var Stats menu includes x'(y) and y'(x) for linear reg
C,T normal, inverse normal, binomial, Poisson
N,S P(x) Q(x) R(x) x>t
N binary numbers displayed in blocks of 4-digits
S can not + – * / different bases (no b o d h prefix/suffix), PEN (base 5)
T calculates LOGIC nand
C,N 2nd degree (quadratic formula) exact radical form
C,T calculates vertex of parabola (S functions can be programmed)
N 4th degree polynomial (includes complex roots)
T gives option of storing results in variable memories
C,N exact radical form of 2nd degree polynomial
N 4th degree polynomial
S,T no inequality
C Infinite Solution & No Solution enunciators
N solves 4X4 system
S 4X4 matrices can solve 4X4 system using Inv(4X4)X(4X1)
S calculates determinant of Cramer-method denominator
T gives results of 2-equation 3-variable system in terms of z
C 2 functions, f(x) & g(x) calculated side-by-side
N 1 function, f(x)
S no function table
T 1 function, Auto scrolls up or down from initial value of x
T x=? inputs user values for x (Auto is disabled)
C,T ref & reduced-ref
N, S 4X4 matrices, 4th matrix (matrix D)
N calculates adjoint matrix
S fill, cumulative, augment, random, matrix>list
N,S,T identity matrix
N 4th vector (vector D)
S no vector mode (uses LIST to calculate dot & cross products)
C,N no list mode
S 4th list (list 4), square, cube, reciprocal can be applied to lists
S sort A&D, fill, cum, difference list, aug, abs (sqrt of sqr-sum)
S min max mean median sum product SD variance, list>matrix
T list formulas accept all calculator functions and real numbers
C VERIFY checks results of number & algebra expressions
C PreAns (PreAns + Ans generates Fibonacci Sequence)
C recurring decimal (gives ALL 60 digits of 1/61)
C remainder division (N,T have mod function)
C old FX-115MS SOLVE did not require comma-variable to select
C old FX-115MS % could calculate percent + or – & percent change
C,N multi-statements (displays all 6 answers of ambiguous case with =)
C old FX-115MS could COPY multi-statements
C,N independent memory M (generates & totals A or G sequence with =)
C,N Square Root & Ans require single keystroke (not Shift 2nd 2nd-F ALPHA)
N RATIO solves 3rd or 4th term of direct proportion
N 38 math & science & engineering formulas
S DRILL quizzes & grades user on basic add, sub, mult, div
S % + or – (with single keystroke of %), (C,N,T % only changes % to decimal)
S Simpson’s rule, N=1, exact & fast for 2nd & 3rd degree polynomials
S no Int, Mod, Prime Factors, PI (product of sequence), GCF, LCM
S GCF & LCM can easily be calculated with fraction button
S SOLVER only solves for X
S 4 formula memories, 4 definable memories, 4 constant (K) calculations
S CTLG gives complete catalog of all available functions for each mode
S OFF displays SHARP logo with name and telephone number of owner
S no parentheses for argument (X) = fewer keystrokes (log trig trig-h R<>P)
S 9 Metric/Engineering Suffixes (femto – Tera)
T Multi-Tap Keys cycle through multiple functions when pressed (! nCr nPr)
T recall (RECALL VAR) displays menu of all 8 memory variables & stored values
T memory X can be accessed with a single keystroke
T set-op & op Stored Operations (up to 44 characters) applied to ANS or entry
T can not clear old data with single keystroke (matrix, vector, poly, sys)
T no cube, cube-root, independent-memory (M)
C S<>D (improper>repeating>decimal), shift a b/c<>d/c (mixed)
N F<>D (improper<>decimal), shift a b/c<>d/c (mixed)
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even better version of an already excellent calculator,
I have previously used the FX115ES calculator (this one is the “PLUS” version, of course), which I liked a lot, found very useful for all my math/science classes. What’s telling is that I also have a very nice graphing calculator, the TI-SIlver Plus, but when I want to use a calculator, I always prefer the Casio.
So the new one is even better. Why?
Firstly, it has all the features of the “non plus” version:
1. many useful and easily accessible function keys, such as for integral, derivative, log, log-base-x, hyp trig, fraction, factorial, variable substitution, solving 1-var equation, etc.
2. displays answer in fraction form or decimal, allowing easy switching between the two with one button
3. displays answers in simplified form: e.g., you enter “sqrt 24” it shows 2 sqrt(6) using the proper symbol of course (hit decimal button to get form); calcs with pi are shown using the pi symbol until you hit the decimal display button
4. stat functions such as mean, median, quartile, percentile, as well as regression
5. solving simultaneous equations in 2 or 3 vars, quad & cubic equations in 1 var
6. many many other useful functions, such as polar-degree conversion, unit conversions, scientific constants
Additional features in the PLUS version:
1. display repeating decimals in bar notation
2. modulus function
3. finite product (product of a finite series of values)
4. GCD and LCM calculations
5. access to “answer” and “previous answer” (i.e., answer to previous two calculations)
6. solving quad & cubic inequalities (not just equations)
7. normal, inverse normal, binomial, and Poisson distributions (both cumulative and prob density)
8. lots more, but you get the idea
All this for an insanely low price! (Crazy Eddie isn’t involved, for those who get that reference.)
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