Ranked in the top ten cases among new iPhone 4 users, this case is reliable and appealing.

The keyboard is seamlessly integrated with the touch screen interface, thus saving your phone space and creating more room for the beautiful display.

When you turn the Apple iPhone sideways, the aspect ratio is 16:9 – exactly the same ratio as many TV shows and movies being made today. What’s neat about the iPhone´s display is that when you turn it sideways, sensors in the phone will automatically adjust the screen so you can read the display from the side. With its embedded feature, you can enjoy wide-screen movies on your small yet big iPhone.

As you can see the Apple iPhone 8GB is the most advanced in cell phone technology. If you love gadgets, you won’t be disappointed with the Apple iPhone 8GB.

The online world is abuzz with reviews of Pink’s latest iPhone app. Mobile applications have enhanced smart phones with a wide range of new features. People use them to find directions via GPS, play games, or stay connected to friends on social media sites like Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter.

However, the popularity of Pink’s new app demonstrates that the mobile craze could just as easily help musicians get their name out to the masses. Such programs could easily be used to stream music, display video content, or provide links to a band’s merchandise store.

Custom Mobile Apps for Bands Are Convenient for Potential Fans

When you are out in a club handing out flyers, it can be difficult to convince unsuspecting club patrons to choose your band over others. A handbill does not contain audio or video samples, and people are unlikely to go to a concert based on the words and images placed on a flyer.

A custom iPhone app, however, provides a much more compelling experience to the end-user. When you are out promoting a concert, you could encourage everyone to download your app and listen to song samples. This would allow you to take full advantage of this type of opportunity.

Put Your Band in the Pocket of Every Smart Phone User

Between popular phones like the Droid and the iPhone, a large percentage of people are beginning to carry smart phones with them everywhere they go. By developing an app for your band, you are placing yourself in the pockets of many people. This convenience will pay off when you want someone to check out your band for the first time.

Lots of companies provide a simple content management system for bands. It is only a matter of time before one of these can be used to create a custom iPhone application. In fact, it shouldn’t be too difficult to port the same application over to the Android Market. With such ease of development, any musician would be able to capitalize on the iPhone 4 and Android app craze.

Streaming Media on the Go

People carry their mobile phones with them everywhere. Your streaming songs could be played far more frequently by users if they were available for free anywhere a 4G connection can be found. Your fans could jam your latest tunes while they run at the gym after work without having to carry a cumbersome music player.

I am an avid lover of all types of new technology.

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