You can play Final Fantasy 7 on your iPhone now
One of the most celebrated announcements at this year's E3 was that of a remake of a two-decade-old RPG. People are still crazy about Final Fantasy 7, which is why it didn't come as such a major shock when Square Enix suddenly released the PS1 classic …
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The Week in iPhone Cases: Speck's dual-layered GammaShell keeps your iPhone …
Designed for frequent international travelers, the Convoy (iPhone 6; $ 50) packs extra room for a spare SIM card and a SIM card tray ejector pin. Made with machined hardwood, this handsome case sports tactile press-through button covers and comes with …
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iPhone 6S or 7: super-strength iPhone 'will cost too much'
Designing a new iPhone is an irresistible challenge for many budding artists engineers. Sahanan Yogarasa's design is closer in shape to the current iPhone 6, but slimmer and sleeker. Others have been much more adventurous.
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