Use new technologies for enforcement (letters)
I see nearby officials are pressing to let their police departments use of radar for speed checking. Isn&#39t it just like Pennsylvania officialdom – it wants to update the law, all the way to the 1960s? It costs a lot of cash over the long term for …
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John Humphrys versus new technologies – he&#39s game for anything
John Humphrys was at the best of his game on the Panama Papers on Radio four&#39s These days programme on Thursday, but for some reason it was an additional exchange, about acclaimed greatest promoting game Everybody&#39s Gone To The Rapture, that caused a social media&nbsp…
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Massivit 3D to unveil new technology at Drupa
With a stand boasting vibrant, eye-catching 3D printed sign &amp show applications, Drupa visitors can learn how they can utilise new 3D printing technologies to generate special and consideration-grabbing massive format 3D displays for a wide assortment of markets.
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