New iPad Leak Reveals Intelligent Upgrades
Taking inspiration from Sonny Dickson's procurement of a leaked iPad case, Keaton Keller and Matthew Jones have powered up his 3D Printer to reverse engineer an iPad Pro design which would match the case. It utilizes the info gleaned from the cut-outs …
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MacRumors Giveaway: Win an iPad Keyboard From Brydge
For this week's giveaway, we've teamed up with Brydge to give away five Brydge keyboards for the iPad Air, iPad Air two, or iPad mini 1/two/three. Brydge's line of keyboards are some of the best accessible, made from higher-top quality components with a comfy, …
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Of course the iPad Pro 9.7in is fit for work
'Tablets aren't for real function' is a typical refrain uttered by double-chinned stuffed shirts who don't know any greater. It's a complete fallacy, an argument that only holds water if you equate 'work' to 'offices'. We've seen plenty of iPads and other …
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