(PRWEB) March 19, 2015

The rise of smartphones encourages new innovation and convenience. Like any business, SeatingExpert, a New Jersey restaurant furniture manufacturer, has seen its fair share of technological changes in recent years. Like its customers, the company has had to adapt to this new mobile-oriented behavior. This month, SeatingExpert is pleased to announce a limited beta of its mobile-friendly website to a group of select customers. The new mobile-friendly website facilitates all of the features of its desktop-based, plus a handful of other easy-to-use features.

Changing consumer tastes and demographics pose their own challenges. And the technological landscape continues to evolve, threatening to leave behind businesses that do not, or cannot, keep up.

Some of those technological changes have been more subtle than others. The rapid transition from desktop-based usage to mobile-based web browsing was one of those changes. SeatingExpert.com already maintains a robust web presence, but they soon realized that a traditional website would not be enough by itself. Tom O. Chuong, Seating Expert’s SEM & SEO Director, knew the company would have to evolve to stay current. He explains, “Everyone loves their smartphones. It comes as no surprise to us that they’re also conducting business, and making vital purchases, on their smartphones. With this in mind, our current website doesn’t facilitate our rising mobile sessions.”

The company’s embrace of mobile users comes at just the right time. According to a comScore February 2014 report, mobile internet browsing overtook desktop browsing for the first time. Users of smartphones, and tablets with browsing capability are using their gadgets in ways that would have required a desktop a mere decade ago. According to a report by Search Engine Watch, over 63% of users have used their mobile devices to access the internet and over 62% have used their devices to access their emails.

From a business standpoint, 15% percent of those mobile users are relying on their mobile devices to make purchases, and that number is expected to climb rapidly in the years ahead. Companies that ignore mobile users are, in effect, ignoring one of their largest potential revenue sources and leaving money on the table.

Says Chuong, “When a user approaches us for restaurant furniture, our first job isn’t to take measurements. It’s to listen. We want to know who’s using the space, and how they’re using it. We realized it was time to approach our website in the same way — who’s using this, why are they using it, and how are they using it? Our customers talked and we listened.”

Seating Expert, Inc. provides custom restaurant furniture to businesses nationwide and Canada, and is a New Jersey-based restaurant furniture manufacturer that offers restaurants, hotels, and government agencies high quality commercial-grade tables, chairs, bar stools, booth seating, and even church seating. Interested parties could visit http://www.seatingexpert.com or call 866-732-8123 for details.