San Jose, CA (PRWEB)
July 08, 2015
According to a report from an article entitled: “SAT Test: Another Drain on the Family Budget” that appeared in Fiscal Times, the average family spends more than $ 2,000 to boost their children’s SAT and ACT scores. A $ 2,000 investment for a child may be not a hardship for some parents, but it could be a huge burden for many parents who can’t afford it. Therefore the SAT scores of children are highly correlated to family income. In a recent study by Emory University, the wealth gap is ever increasing with $ 1087.51 being spent by the bottom 10% earners to improve their children’s test scores and $ 5494.95 or nearly 5 X the amount being spent by the top 10% earners (Dallas Morning News). In other words family income causes a different educational outcome and opportunity.
SSAMCAST is a SAT Knowledge Sharing Program developed by three UC Berkeley students that seeks to resolve this inequity of educational opportunities by family income. The program is built upon the philosophy that “education should be affordable and easily accessible to everyone,” according to company founder Mr. Inje Cho. Cho has ten years experience in education and Learning Management Technology (LMS technology) and was a student at Seoul National University. SSAMCAST was first introduced on June 29th 2015 at the Philadelphia International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Over 1,000 people attended SSAMCAST’s exhibition, including many teachers and personnel from schools and educational companies, all showing great interest in SSAMCAST.
In addition, SSAMCAST invited students from 10 of the most famous universities on the West Coast and interviewed them about the strategies and the successful habits they utilized in their SAT studies and the preparatory programs that they used in high school and college.
For this first release of SSAMACST, Teracle, the company that developed this program, worked with several UC Berkeley students with 2,300+ SAT scores and filmed SAT lectures in Math, Reading, Science, Math IC/IIC, and Physics. This content is designed to help educationally disadvantaged students in their SAT studies.
Contest to Win a $ 4000 Scholarship
As part of the launch of SSAMCST, Teracle invites students to participate in a video contest. SSAMCAST is not an online lecture website, but an online educational platform for the interactive exchange of knowledge between people with different skills, expertise, and experiences. SSAMCAST is open to anyone who has knowledge and wants to share it with other people.
To enter the video contest simply design and record your own lectures in Math, Science, Test Prep, Business or Computer Science and upload on The video contest will run from June 29th to July 20th. Share your knowledge and you may win a $ 4,000 scholarship! Please visit and/or for the more information or email ssamcast(AT)
About Teracle
Teracle, Inc. is built upon the philosophy that education should be easily accessible to everyone. Through the use of modern technology, we strive to create learning platforms for the next generation of tech-savvy students.
Established in January 2013, Teracle, Inc. has been working to revolutionize the experience of learning by offering a variety of educational services for both PC and mobile devices. We work with students, teachers, and parents to constantly discover new ways to find relevant, engaging methods to reach students all over the world. Visit:
Our Mission
Our mission is to use the latest technology to help others access the learning tools they need, deliver quality education, and make it free and accessible to everyone.