The Invention Mob, Brought to You by Quirky
It says a handful of companies have lined up for its new corporate partnership program, which builds on Quirky's experience with G.E. Though it is not identifying them yet, the new partners will include large companies that make toys, audio equipment …
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Sam Asano's Let's Invent: Do inventions increase or decrease jobs?
This past two weeks we New Englanders suffered continuous snow falls of, say, 6 feet. That's a lot for us here. Governors and mayors are all in front of the media, and press coverage of the snow is near continuious. Basically, our cities and schools …
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7 world-changing inventions people initially thought were dumb fads
The man was Thomas Edison. The invention was the light bulb. That was obviously wrong, and the light bulb turned out to be a solid invention. But Morton's statement was also revealing. Sometimes it's genuinely difficult to know whether new inventions …
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