It can be a curse and a blessing to own an iPhone. The phone can seem mind boggling at first. Keep reading this article to get a good idea of how to get the most out of your phone.

The iPhone makes finding your way around a breeze. You will be able to see your location with the map feature anytime you are in a service area. Using the GPS function is a great way to get around without getting lost.

A protective screen is a wonderful investment for your iPhone. Without a protector, there will be scratches and nicks. Tiny bits of dirt from fingers can be responsible for scratches. Your Iphone deserves a protective screen to keep it looking new.

Your iPhone has the ability to get you from place to place. Use your iPhone’s map to provide you with directions to get you where you need to go. You can bookmark the map feature for easy access on your phone.

You can turn your favorite website in an app. Simply go to the website. Press the “Go” button when you get to the site. Doing this will allow you to add the site onto the home screen. Once it connects to your home screen you have the option to change the name and personalize the app.

Here is a trick to enhance your messaging. Dismiss any auto-correct suggestions while texting by tapping the screen anywhere. You do not have to click on the x displayed next to the word to dismiss it.

Whether you’re a longtime iPhone fan or a proud new owner, you probably know that the device is a multitasking powerhouse. Yet, you can sort through everything without getting the full benefits and advantages. Put the advice you have read here to good use in optimizing all that your iPhone can do for you.

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